Insight is totally committed to offering people with learning disabilities and severe challenging behaviour(s), the opportunity to live within the community and which provides a home like environment.

For this purpose four individual properties have been purchased, situated in socially valued areas and close to all local public services and amenities.

Our service offers people the opportunity to take control of their own lives and to actively participate in the day to day decisions which affect them.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Informed by Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), we use values and data-led approaches in understanding and helping people with their needs. This is underpinned by a focus on quality of life and individual rights. PBS considers the persons needs and motivations to learn new skills and adopt alternative or adaptive behaviour. PBS is a framework containing many elements of good practice, including upholding human rights, trauma informed approaches, inclusive communication, building rapport and consideration of sensory issues to support well-being. The 3 main tenants consist of valued social roles, person centered approaches and behavioural science. It helps us understand how to best support someone and improve the quality of their life. PBS is a multi-element approach in which interventions can be developed to produce a better fit with the environment, promote self-help, self-management and social skills and produce planned responses to dangerous behaviours. Most importantly PBS avoids the use of aversive approaches and or punishment.

Person Centered Planning

Person centered approaches enable collaborative planning, when facilitating people’s aspirations, needs, and wants. This will be completed in conjunction with nationally recognized best practice systems to help keep people safe when making informed decisions about their care, support and treatment. Individual meetings and forums are offered to provide information and listen to views and concerns. We aim to ensure the person is central to their care at the point of referral and in the continuation of their care and support.

Support Staff

We recognise and value all of our staff. They are essential in the support we offer the people who use our service. We offer all our staff (permanent, bank and agency), comprehensive inductions and training, enhanced supervision and clinical supervision, de-briefs and Person Specific Focus training with Reflective groups. The HR department and an EAP (Employee Assistance Program a 24/7 service that supports employees to cope with their personal and professional challenges), is also available to support staff.


We establish systems for the people that live within our service, their family, and other stakeholders to be involved in organisational development and the way services are delivered. We embrace the views and opinions offered by all stakeholders and actively incorporate feedback when facilitating development. Development includes active involvement in staff recruitment, referrals, training, care provision design, environmental adaptations, and the opportunity to express views and challenge the care and or support clients are receiving.


Adopting a transformative leadership approach, the service’s oversight is delivered by the Directors with support from the Operational Lead, Clinical Lead and Service Support Manager.

The group providing oversight has extensive experience within the health and social care sector, with marked collaborative synergy, where diverse talents and perspectives converge to tackle challenges. Communication flows seamlessly, fostering an environment of collaboration, determination and support. Decision-making is a collective endeavour, blending innovative ideas with strategic thinking. Through challenges, the group exhibit resilience, adapting swiftly and inspiring a sense of unity. This cohesive leadership team not only achieves objectives but also cultivates a culture of empowerment, leaving a lasting impact on the organisation. Additionally, and collaboratively, Registered Managers, Team Leaders, and Clinical staff provide leadership through their own individuality and skill set guided by the same principles and values adopted by the group providing leadership oversight. Their contributions are fundamental to the organisation’s daily operation.

We develop and support the emergence of leadership throughout the organisation, through the promotion of opportunities for staff learning and independence so they will lead, coach and model value-led practices.

Property and service locations

We are committed to providing a residential care service within valued community settings