Work with a team that actually do love their job

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Insight is a specialist behavioural service for adults with a learning disability and additional behaviours which challenge community services.


Lynda Cashford and Jackie Hales formed their partnership in September 1991, developing a specialist behavioural service for adults with a learning disability and additional behaviours which challenge community services. Our background within this field was mainly acquired from our Registered Nurse training within the Learning Disability field and our working lives within Maidstone Health Authorities Primary Care Trust (Learning Disabilities).

Our Philosophy of care whilst developing the service, was based upon the belief that an ordinary quality lifestyle, could be provided within the community for some of the most difficult to place people.

Since 1991, we have developed seven homes within both the Medway and Swale area. Service users from within the local catchment areas are prioritised for placement, however placements are offered to other commissioners of services. With many London boroughs placing service users within our homes due to the lack of good quality behavioural services that offer residential care. We are recognised as offering both an excellent service but also value for money.